Tickets Outside Solana

Tickets on-chain with Arweave

Tickets are generated off-chain and they are stored on-chain outside Solana.

Tickets are generated off-chain, at the start of each epoch, using the Rust language Random Number generator. Rust is a mature programming language and is the development language used by Solana. The random number generator gives an effective distribution of random numbers. In future, we will allow participants to choose their own ticket numbers, as with many prediction games across the world.

For fairness, it is critical that the winning sequence is generated using a verifiable source of randomness and for this purpose Nezha has integrated our smart contract with Switchboard which is part of the Solana ecosystem.

Unfortunately, the Solana ecosystem does not currently have a cost effective storage solution, therefore the Nezha development team have elected to use Arweave a permanent and decentralised storage solution.

At the start of an epoch, tickets are uploaded to Arweave and the URL is saved in the Nezha smart contract, such that participants and the Community can validate them. At the conclusion of the epoch, Nezha generates the winning sequence entirely on-chain in Solana. Participants and the Community can validate the transaction ids, timestamps and content of all transactions including the tickets and winning sequence.

Last updated