Roles & Capabilities
Game Contract roles
These are the roles and capabilities within the Nezha smart contract.
Init contract
Rotate keys
Create epoch
Approve/Complete/Close stake and unstake requests
Invest. Move funds from Nezha and into the yield farmer protocol.
Withdraw Investment. Move funds out of the yield farmer protocol and into Nezha.
Publish Winners. Check the tickets of users and decide who are the winners off-chain. Then upload the list of winners to the chain.
Withdraw Vault { vault = Treasury/Insurance } Move funds out of the treasury vault to pay the running costs. Move funds out of the Insurance vault to pay the jackpot insurance provider.
Fund Jackpot. In the event of a jackpot win, it will be funded by the insurance provider. Once we have it in Admin's USDC ATA, call this instruction to move it to Tier-1 Prize Vault and mark the jackpot as claimable.
RequestStakeUpdate { amount }. Submit a request to increment or decrement your stake. Request are queued and processed according to the state of the epoch.
Unstake { amount }.
Claim prize { epoch_index, tier }. The price amount is claimed and added to participants stake account.
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